Sustainability and innovation. A commitment that began long ago

The Fuorisalone week has just ended: it was a very positive and stimulating edition, which we experienced with enthusiasm on the wave of energy transmitted by the city of Milan. During the Fuorisalone we got to know each other and talked about our projects and novelties. It was a very productive exchange of ideas, which gave rise to insights and reflections that make us look to the future with even greater conviction.


Speaking of the future: the Fuorisalone was a very important showcase for us, and we wanted to take advantage of it to talk about our ideas on those particular Green themes that are intertwined with our idea of product, design and kitchen. In the light of the growing ecological awareness that is highlighting the changing relationship between man and nature, in fact, we at Alta have come to the conclusion that interior design will never be the same again. Therefore, our design began to change, and a new sensitivity made its way with new ideas and insights.


The synthesis of all this was “New Regenerative Relationships“, the concept with which we presented ourselves in Milan. Everything revolves around the idea of an inhabited place where vegetation, natural light and dynamic ventilation hybridise, creating a new harmony between environment and human space. The boundary between outdoor and indoor becomes increasingly blurred, spaces become organic and ductile, and the home becomes a refuge, a place of work and entertainment at the same time. It is a concept deeply characterised by an inclusive sensibility, oriented towards the search for natural and organic systems and materials.

This new way of looking at interior design through the filter of a sustainable approach is far from recent, and was not born today: it has been part of our company DNA for a long time. Its origins date back to the 1990s, when the Group of which we are a part decided to allocate resources in the agricultural sector to create two businesses that still today represent a respectful and sustainable management model.


The main one (in terms of size) manages around 200 hectares of arable land. Its plots, which are uneven in elevation and have soil levels that are too uneven to allow crops to grow evenly, will undergo extensive restoration work. This work will allow a significant reduction in the use of chemicals, fertilisers and pesticides, opening the door to environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture, in line with European Union directives. In addition to these objectives, the project also envisages the homogeneous germination of seeds, increased storage of rainwater by the soil, the implementation of an irrigation practice by means of a mobile pivot irrigation system, the creation of a reservoir to collect rainwater, and the promotion of biodiversity through the planting of native tree and shrub essences in different areas of the land.

The second farm, shared by the first, consists of 80 hectares of poplar groves and 15 hectares of vineyards. Here the poplar trees, which are FSC and PEFC certified, are also used to make wood panels for the furniture industry.

Our ecological awareness and passion for the earth begin here. It is the beginning of a journey that can be summed up in the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) culture, the acronym that encompasses measurements and standards with which an organisation’s environmental, social and governance activities are monitored.


A path of growth that Alta lives day after day with increasing conviction and that draws its origin and raison d’être from the lessons that agriculture and the environment are transferring to society.



Find out more about our commitment on our company page.