ALTA for sustainability

Tomorrow’s enterprise will either be sustainable or will have no way to exist.

The market demands it: more than a third of potential buyers consider sustainability to be at least as decisive a factor as quality and price.

In this context, it is essential to radically change one’s vision and way of doing business: not to have a short-sighted focus on the ‘immediate return’, but to think more broadly, with a long-term vision.

For ALTA, a design company from Friuli region in the north east of Italy manufacturer  to kitchen and living spaces, it is absolutely necessary to think of a holistic strategy that involves all aspects relevant to the well-being of individuals, first and foremost the desire to preserve the environment and enhance it for the benefit of local communities.

This is a matter of business ethics and not profit: actions with a negative impact on the environment, pursued with the aim of recovering efficiency and minimizing industrial costs in the immediate future, are extremely harmful, for themselves, but also in terms of social conscience and reputation. They are, in fact, shortcuts that backfire on the company in the medium and long term, to the point of undermining its competitive position and its very survival.

In this regard, being able to count on the presence of entrepreneurship with family-based governance is a guarantee of a different and virtuous approach, oriented towards the long term, without the need for forcing in the short term.

Such a data, which may appear counter-intuitive, finds its raison d’être in the multigenerational vision of ownership and not speculative.

And this is also ALTA’s philosophy: to pay great attention to the interlocutors involved in the processes, to know its stakeholders and act accordingly.

The tools put in place? First and foremost, to promote internal cultural growth, shared by the entire organization, generating value for stakeholders at all levels: brand, product, service and above all relations between the parties.

This is the company’s mission: for ALTA sustainable production is not only about emissions into the environment, but includes the entire production cycle and above all the actors involved in the process. Being sustainable for the company is not limited to the choice of recycled wood particle board panels, water-based paints, recyclable materials such as aluminium, glass and steel, FSC-certified cardboard packaging, which is also fully recyclable, and plants that comply with European environmental regulations; for ALTA, sustainability is understood above all towards the people who relate and collaborate with the company, whether they are employees, suppliers or customers.

And the environment that the company wanted to create is also in constant transformation and evocative: those who join ALTA are an integral part of a family that feeds and preserves their homes every day. The company’s distinctive approach puts man and his relationships at the centre, recreating an environment full of natural light, with large open spaces and desks, to give everyone the right space and allow individuals to interact and collaborate. Taking care and making their employees feel good. They are the first ambassadors, towards suppliers and customers, witnesses of a distinctive ethical approach still not taken for granted in today’s working world.

Respect for the environment, for the territory and for people. These fundamental principles, included in ALTA’s mission, are the pivotal points for the development of a path oriented towards Sustainability. A path in which we must not only respect and promote the key elements of the circular economy of ‘building, consumption, recycling and reuse’, but also support and promote the creation of culture and value for and with the people of the company.

In short, every time the process of conception and creation of a new product for the market begins, ALTA starts the path from a reflection that focuses on the founding elements of sustainability with the declared objective of respecting and implementing them in the best possible way. How? By working on the recyclability of a material, the impact of the plants used, the procedures that must be adopted, the compliance laws required, the elimination of chemical substances used, in defence of the health of its workers, and making every effort to manage their safety, without excluding an impact assessment at the end of the product’s life.

ALTA’s attention will be increasingly focused on consolidating these concepts, to give the market and its customers the guarantee of design excellence and, at the same time, of a rational and virtuous choice. The challenge of the future will push towards the limited if any use of glues and synthetic products in general, the use of ultra-light materials and the optimization of volumes, which  can be obtained by delivering premium but flat-pack products, which reduce the impact for the cubic meters transported.

All this, however, ALTA wants to achieve without renouncing to prestigious design and high-end finishes, because this is ALTA’s mantra: to create valuable products with valuable people.